Ford Fiesta ST LED Headlight Bulbs Installation & Review

Check out this amazing LED Headlight bulbs that we installed on the Fiesta ST. They look great and the visibility at night is amazing. Once you try those you will never use regular light bulbs again.

Remove that bulb deck to put up the headlight out and the bulb, if you want to move the whole headlight, you need to remove that clip as well.

Pull the regular bulb out of them, press the release knot

Install the 9007 LED bulbs and make sure that it lines up about

Turn it each lock

Move it until it rips along, put the cap and the CC on top that way we will not leak any water in the deadline

That’s the difference! it’s crazy right, the door you can see how much better that thing that’s what it is it looks like.

All the Philips ZES led car lights can be found here for sale, for pictures, pricing and more details.


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